Bettina Hubby
With text by David Bell
Published by Klowden Mann
Softcover, 31 pages, 8 x 8 inches
Hardcover, 31 pages, 12 x 12 inches
$35 / $120

Klowden Mann is delighted to present Bettina Hubby’s new artist publication, THE SEXUAL BRONZE SHOW, featuring images from her exhibition with text by David Bell. THE SEXUAL BRONZE SHOW was on view January 16-February 27, 2016 at Klowden Mann, Los Angeles, November 19, 2016–January 21, 2017 at Lora Reynolds Gallery, Austin, and then traveled to the Erotic Heritage Museum in Las Vegas, July 2, 2018–January 2, 2019.

The exhibitions and publication bronze cast sculptures and found objects, bronze pairings on pedestals, with photographs of those same pairings in various states of hanky-panky. The content is determined by things one would get at the market, and the presentation, minimal with a nod to excess.

Hubby says of this work: ​"I take my humor seriously. I focused intently and took a survey, then plunged deeply and engrossed myself into the grocery aisles to find these pairings and made monuments to my match-made couples' various proclivities. I honor their diversity and their freedom of expression. I bronzed their essence and photographed them in a white bed of light to reveal their true natures; they gleam with a confident appreciative post-coital sigh."

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